Posts Tagged ‘St Patrick”S Day’

On March 3rd I gave you a list of things you needed to get to surprise your sweetheart on St Patrick’s Day. The title was “Have a Little Fun”. The big reveal was last Friday, March 12th in my blog “St Patrick’s Day Romance”. Are you prepared to create a very special evening for what most people don’t consider a romantic holiday?

When I thought of the idea I kept thinking about the movie called “Indecent Proposal” made in 1993, with Robert Redford, Demi Moore and Woody Harrelson. It is about a couple (Demi & Woody) who flies to Las Vegas hoping to win money to finance a real estate project the husband wants to do. They of course gamble all their savings away. While they are there a billionaire (Robert Redford) is attracted to the wife and offers the husband one million dollars to be able to spend the night with Woody’s wife. The couple decided together she would spend the night with the billionaire. They get their million dollars the next day. There is a scene where they are in bed with the million dollars thrown all over the bed and they make love. Of course there are ramifications. They had not considered how it would affect their marriage.

I remember watching that scene and thinking wouldn’t it be fun to make love with all that money in bed with you but without the ramifications in the movie.  Even though it is only play money you and your spouse do not have to sell your soul to get it. Your spouse will never forget the fun you had playing with your pot of gold on St Patrick’s Day. Oh, what a guilty pleasure!

Keep those sparks flying!

© 2010, Surprise Kiss. All rights reserved.

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Did you go out and pick up the items I told you to get for St Patrick’s Day? If you haven’t done it yet you are going to want to make sure you have everything ready to surprise you sweetheart on St Patrick’s Day.

Here are the items you were told to have in my blog “Have a Little Fun”:

  • St Patrick’s Day card or get some green paper to make your own card.
  • Play money (Monopoly Money) $100, $1,000 bills etc
  • Something sexy to wear in a green color if you have it

On St Patrick’s Day

Give your card to your spouse in the morning. Inside your card write “Kiss me and you will have the luck of the Irish on your side tonight!”


In the evening after the kids are in bed get ready by putting something sexy on in green or your spouse’s favorite item they like to see you in for that romantic feeling. While your spouse is showering light the candles.

When he walks into the bedroom there will be a soft glow of candle light and you sitting in the middle of the bed smiling with the play money spread around you. You will tell your special someone “Looks like you just hit your pot of gold sweetheart! Come here and play with me.”


Do all of the above except you could be standing beside the bed with a huge smile on your face and you will say “Looks like we just hit our pot of gold sweetheart! Let’s jump in and play.”

Who says you have to be rich to play in your own pot of gold!

Couples will be green with envy when they hear about your romantic evening.

Keep those sparks flying!

© 2010, Surprise Kiss. All rights reserved.

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During your wedding ceremony did you pay much attention to what your pastor or minister was saying, or was it just a blur of words? If you had a traditional vow ceremony you would have heard this paragraphed spoken at the very beginning of your ceremony by your minister.

“Marriage is the union of husband and wife in heart, body and mind. It is intended for their mutual joy – and for the help and comfort given one another in prosperity and adversity. But more importantly – it is a means through which a stable and loving environment may be attained.”

I started to think about what this paragraph means and one sentence in particular. “Marriage is the union of husband and wife in heart, body and mind.” If we are in a marriage do we really become as one, one heart, one body and one mind? Don’t we have a right to be individuals also? I don’t think it means we have to think and do the same things always. What it does mean is we need to be involved in our marriage. We need to be connected.

So many couples disconnect themselves from their marriage, blaming it on to much to do. It is so easy to say we are overwhelmed with having children, working and soccer games, dance lessons, etc. You are exhausted and are too tired to be involved with your spouse. After all, your spouse is an adult and can take care of themselves. There is a point when you say “What about me” but did you ever think your marriage may be saying the same thing? “What about us! When are we going to connect?”

When you look at your marriage you may want to ask these questions, “Are we keeping it alive? What are we doing to let each other know you care and love them?” Don’t let your marriage become separated and shrivel up and die. Be proactive, take the time to sit and talk to your spouse without the kids around, even if it is only for 10 minutes a day. You need to show how much you love your marriage and being connected everyday is one way to do that.

Another way to stay connected is to be playful and childlike. To Live, Laugh and Love together!

St Patrick’s Day – Romantic Idea

Don’t forget to get the items I mentioned in my blog, “Have a Little Fun” for St Patrick’s Day. They are listed below. Couples will be green with envy when they find out about your romantic evening.

  • St Patrick’s Day card or get some green paper and make your own card.
  • Play money (Monopoly Money) $100, $1,000 bills etc
  • Something sexy to wear in a green color if you have it

Tomorrow is the big reveal! You will learn what to do with the items above.

Keep those sparks flying!

© 2010, Surprise Kiss. All rights reserved.

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Wednesday, March 17th is St Patrick’s Day. Do you celebrate St Patrick’s Day by going to a party or do you have a party with your family at home? Have you ever thought of surprising you spouse with a romantic evening on St Patrick’s Day? Why not have a little fun and surprise your spouse with a little laughter and lots of lovin?

This is what you will need:

  • St Patrick’s Day card or get some green paper and make your own card.
  • Play money (Monopoly Money) $100, $1,000 bills etc
  • Something sexy to wear in a green color

The big reveal on what to do with the items above will be next Friday, March 12th, 2010.

I know you are wondering why do you need to make a big deal out of St Patrick’s Day. I say why not! If you were dating and intimately involved with someone you would be making sure you looked good. Also you would be looking forward to a little private time together, with children or no children. Why does it have to stop after you are married or have been in a relationship for a long time?

Be playful with your relationship; act as if you are still dating. Have your marriage feel like an affair.

Keep those sparks flying!

© 2010, Surprise Kiss. All rights reserved.

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