Archive for October, 2009

Yesterday I wrote about the importance of having an emergency kit in the event there is a flu disaster. I started to think about it. What happens when the kids are sick and you need to stay home to take care of them and there is no date night! You can’t even have a babysitter come in to help you. So why not have a “Family Date Night Kit?”

Have fun with idea and be prepared. Most of these ideas you can pick up when they are on sale so it shouldn’t cost too much. This “Family Date Night Kit” could also be used if you are stuck in the house because of bad weather.

1. Get a couple of new games that the whole family can play. When everyone has been stuck in the house and they are bored pull out one of the games and get down on the floor and have fun.
2. Have new pajamas that you can give as the person starts to feel better. Nothing feels better than putting on something new even if it is just pajamas. It will help them feel better. Or you could give everyone new pajamas one night because you have all been stuck in the house and have a fashion show.
3. Get two or three new videos that you can pull out when the kids are saying there is nothing to do.
4. If you have a fireplace and it is cold outside roast marshmallows and have hot chocolate.
5. Get new bottles of bubble bath and let the kids play with some new bath toys if they are young enough. For older kids and mom and dad get some nice bath salts and lotions. I always feel better after a long warm soak in the tub.
6. Make plans for next summer vacation. Decide where you would like to go before you are stuck in the house. Purchase a travel book, maps and get ideas from the internet on your destination and have everyone sit around the table and decide what they want to do and see. If you have AAA you can get some of these things for free!
7. Have coloring books, story books, puzzles on hand too. My daughter liked to do crossword puzzles and find a word books. I tried to keep new ones on hand when she started to feel better.
8. Take turns with your spouse to grab the other kids who aren’t sick and go for a walk, to the museum or playground. Get some fresh air and try to make the best of it.

Remember it is important for you and your spouse to keep your sanity. Try to give each other a break, even if it is closing the master bedroom door and taking a long bath and reading a good book for an hour or so. What would be even nicer is if you can have the other go out alone for awhile and the other spouse takes care of the kids. You could take turns doing this.

And of course, try to make time for each other while all of this is going on. After the kids are asleep play your favorite music, have something nice to drink and relax together.

Keep those sparks flying!

© 2009 – 2010, Surprise Kiss. All rights reserved.

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A couple of weeks ago I TIVOed Dr Oz and he talked about the importance of keeping your family safe from the swine flu. He gave a list of what we can do in the event there is a flu disaster and told everyone to pass it on to friends and family. I also found an article from that I liked and wanted to pass on to you.  We need to be prepared for the worst-case-scenario.

No matter were you live we are always being told to have an emergency kit and plan for an impending disaster. Do you have an emergency kit and plan in case the swine flu ends up being a disaster? So far the flu has been fairly mild and can be kept at bay by washing your hands and staying home if you or your children are sick.

Family is important and if you want to keep you and your family healthy why not have a swine flu emergency preparedness plan.

1. School closure plan:

Have a plan if your kids school closes. Who will stay home? Can a relative watch the kids? Plan ahead and know how you and your spouse will handle this situation.

2. Have a stash of medical supplies:

Extra tissues, over the counter cold and flu remedies.

Try to get one month supply of your prescription and vitamins your family uses regularly. If you can’t get an extra month supply because of your insurance company policy then get refills as soon as you can. You don’t want to be down to your last pill when the crisis comes.

Have Fluids with electrolytes, they can help keep sick people hydrated properly so they can get better quickly and with fewer complications.

Make sure you have alcohol-based hand sanitizer on hand.

Fever reducers for children.

Surgical masks just in case you’re taking care of someone in your home with a highly-contagious flu.

3. Have a stash of food and household requirements that would last you for two weeks:

Businesses might close and you don’t want to be caught without toilet paper in the house. You want to be self-sufficient.

4. Keep up with health news:

Your local health department and schools may be able to add you to a list to receive email alerts in your area. The CDC has a website with an overview of the current nation-wide situation:

5. Stay home if you’re sick, and have your kids stay home if they are sick:

You and your children will recover faster when you stay home and rest.

6. Prepare to care for sick family members at home:

The CDC recommends caring for kids with the swine flu in a separate room with good air ventilation. Open the window if you can keep the room warm. Check the CDC’s website for up-to-date recommendations.

7. Wash your hands! Make it a habit!

Research confirms that by far the best way to avoid infection of any virus or bacteria is to wash your hands often. Make sure your whole family does this. Always keep alcohol-based hand sanitizer in your purse, car and in your desk at work. Have your husband and kids do the same.

I am not trying to panic you but it makes sense to be prepared just in case. I am not a doctor so please talk to your doctor about this list. I am sure he or she could add things to it.

Most importantly, love yourself and your family. Stay healthy!

Keep those sparks flying!

© 2009 – 2010, Surprise Kiss. All rights reserved.

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