Posts Tagged ‘romantic budget dates’

With winter in full swing and you just don’t feel like braving the weather conditions to go out on a date with your sweetheart.  All you want to do is hunker down in front of the fireplace and stay warm.

I have an idea for you and your sweetie that will bring out the kid in both of you.

Here is what you will need:

• Tray
• Marshmallows
• Graham Crackers
• 1 (1.5 oz) Chocolate Candy Bar
• Post-it-Note

Lay all the items on the tray with a little post-it-note saying:

“I’d like to make love to you until you melt in bliss and ask for s’more.”

Grab your sweetheart, turn on some music and roast your marshmallow in front of the fireplace and make S’mores.

If you want to add a little twist to this kid favorite snack sprinkle a little finely diced candied ginger on top of your melted marshmallow. YUM!

Did you know ginger is an aphrodisiac? It helps to increase blood flow through the circulatory system all the way down to your sex organs. Hum……maybe you need to add a little more candied ginger on top of your melted marshmallows.

Keep those sparks flying!

© 2012, Surprise Kiss. All rights reserved.

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